Blushing Beet Juice //
Breakfast, Creative Process, Dairy Free, Food, Gluten Free, Smoothies & Juices, Vegan, Vegetarian


Sometimes I think it’s important to look for recipe inspiration in new places. As you’ve probably noticed, I’ve been on a bit of a beet kick (and a pink kick) lately — so today’s fresh juice recipe is inspired by pink hues!  This juice is totally different than what I would usually make — and it’s all because I combined ingredients for colour first, and flavour second. My Blushing Beet Juice incorporates seasonal produce like beets, oranges and grapefruit with ingredients that I don’t normally juice, like strawberries (which have been looking particularly delicious lately, even though they’re not in season). The result is a perfectly sweet, balanced pink juice, packed full of amazing, heart healthy ingredients. Enjoy this vibrant pink juice for love month — the recipe makes enough for two generous servings, and you can also freeze it to make your own popsicles (kids love them!). Have some fun in the kitchen this February and shake up your juicing menu!


Blushing Beet Juice // JustineCelina.comThis gorgeous pink juice combines a medley of powerhouse ingredients to boast some incredible health benefits! Earthy beets are highly nutritious, full of antioxidants and great for cardiovascular health and anti-aging. Naturally sweet carrots provide beta-carotenes, falcarinol, vitamin A, minerals and antioxidants. Apples combine rich phyto-nutrients along with antioxidants and flavanoids which aid in disease prevention and maintaining optimal health. Oranges add a healthy dose of vitamin C, while ginger aids in digestion and detoxification. Grapefruits are fantastic for heart health and normalizing blood pressure — plus they balance the earthiness of the beets perfectly.

Blushing Beet Juice //

And lastly, sunny strawberries round the juice out with their sweetness, and a mega dose of antioxidants, nutrients and potassium. Combine all of these beautiful ingredients and you have a powerful, pink juice that you can enjoy year round — but I especially love it in February. My Blushing Beet Juice combines sweet, earthy, spicy and citrus elements in balanced blend that tastes a bit like spring — even though it’s made with winter produce!

Blushing Beet Juice //


Yield: 32 oz (4 cups) or 2 generous servings

Blushing Beet Juice //


• 2 large carrots
• 2 apples (I used Ambrosia)
• 1 beet
• 1 lime
• 1 grapefruit
• 2 small oranges
• 1/2″ piece ginger
• 1 pint of strawberries

Blushing Beet Juice //


Blushing Beet Juice //

1. Start with chilled produce. Chop all ingredients into 1″ pieces.

Blushing Beet Juice //

2. Add ingredients one at a time to your Hurom Slow Juicer (or similar), starting with an ingredient that isn’t as juicy (like ginger), and alternating with an ingredient that makes lots of juice (like an apple). This will ensure that the juicy ingredients flush the not-so-juicy ingredients through the juicer and you’ll get more of them in your cup!

Blushing Beet Juice //

3. Once you’ve juiced all of your ingredients, stir the juice and pour over ice.

Blushing Beet Juice //

4. If you want to add a touch of decadence to the juice, add a splash of coconut cream. It’s optional, but makes the juice more of a treat (and a lighter, more vibrant shade of pink!).

Blushing Beet Juice //

5. Add a fun straw, or garnish of your choice and enjoy.

Blushing Beet Juice //

Note: You can freeze this juice to make your own popsicles, too!

5 from 1 vote
Blushing Beet Juice //
Prep Time
15 mins
My Blushing Beet Juice incorporates seasonal produce like beets, oranges and grapefruit with ingredients that I don't normally juice, like strawberries (which have been looking particularly delicious lately, even though they're not in season). The result is a perfectly sweet, balanced pink juice, packed full of amazing, heart healthy ingredients. Enjoy this vibrant pink juice for love month -- the recipe makes enough for two generous servings, and you can also freeze it to make your own popsicles (kids love them!). Have some fun in the kitchen this February and shake up your juicing menu!
Course: Breakfast
Servings: 2
Author: Justine
  • 2 large carrots
  • 2 apples I used Ambrosia
  • 1 beet
  • 1 lime
  • 1 grapefruit
  • 2 small oranges
  • 1/2 " piece ginger
  • 1 pint of strawberries
  1. Start with chilled produce. Chop all ingredients into 1" pieces.
  2. Add ingredients one at a time to your Hurom Slow Juicer (or similar), starting with an ingredient that isn't as juicy (like ginger), and alternating with an ingredient that makes lots of juice (like an apple). This will ensure that the juicy ingredients flush the not-so-juicy ingredients through the juicer and you'll get more of them in your cup!
  3. Once you've juiced all of your ingredients, stir the juice and pour over ice.
  4. Add a fun straw, or garnish of your choice and enjoy.
Recipe Notes

You can freeze this juice to make your own popsicles, too!

Blushing Beet Juice //

If you’ve ever juiced beets you know how messy (and stainy) they can be! We have white quartz countertops that don’t like red wine or beets very much, so after I got the shots of the glasses that I wanted, I had a little fun. This is a tile that I use as a backdrop for shoots, and it wipes up really easily — so I played around with splattering the juice across it!

Blushing Beet Juice //

Maybe I went off on a tangent here, but I really like these shots. Sometimes I get sick of everything being so perfectly composed — it’s fun to change it up and experiment! It reminded me of watercolour painting, which I used to love in college. I went to the Alberta College of Art and Design and have a Bachelor of Design, but I took a year of fine art. I used to paint all the time!

Blushing Beet Juice //


Peppered Pear Elixir

Green Jalapeño Margaritas (make them virgin for a delicious green juice!)

Detoxifying Watermelon Mint Limeade

Apple Carrot Lemon Ginger Juice

Lean Green Protein Juice


We’ve owned our Hurom Slow Juicer for nearly a decade and it’s still going strong! We selected this juicer because it’s slow masticating and cold press — meaning it presses the juice out of produce (more slowly) rather than less expensive models that completely shred it. This ultimately means more nutrients in your cup! Plus, it’s a breeze to clean.

Blushing Beet Juice //

Also, this in my 100th blog post! It seems a little crazy that I’ve done 100 blog posts in just under a year — I’m having a hard time believing it! It’s interesting to reflect on how far I’ve come and what a journey blogging has been. It’s definitely a labour of love, and I feel more inspired to create content than ever! If you’re curious, here’s a link to my very first blog post; my Super C Hibiscus Berry Smoothie — which coincidentally is also a pink drink recipe. When I started JustineCelina I took all my food photos on my iPhone 5, and in a square format. I still love that recipe, and the memories behind its creation — but I’ve definitely progressed in my blogging style and photography since then. So… enjoy, haha!

Blushing Beet Juice //

What are your favourite seasonal fruits and veggies to juice? I’ve been loving beets and grapefruits lately. If you try my Blushing Beet Juice, let me know how you liked it — I love it when you guys make my recipes and give me your feedback! You can tag me on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook, or use the hashtag #justinecelinarecipes in your recreations so I can find them! I also have a board on Pinterest for my recipes, if you care to follow along for inspiration.

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored, and contains my genuine thoughts and recommendations. JustineCelina uses affiliate and referral links, which allow me to receive a small commission when you make a purchase through one of my links. Your purchases help to support!

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  • Reply Janice February 12, 2016 at 11:07 am

    This post makes me want a juicer even more! I wonder if I could blend everything together and then strain through a cheesecloth… It’s not that I am a huge fan of juicing either (like diets that require 30 days of nothing but juice), but some days, I know I have eaten nearly enough fresh fruits and veggies, and this would be a good way of getting them!

    • Reply Justine February 12, 2016 at 11:48 am

      It’s totally worth the investment, Janice! It was actually my boyfriend who got us into juicing at home about 4 years ago, and I’ve never looked back. The reason you mention is exactly why I love it — there’s absolutely no way I could get all those fruits and veggies in so quickly. Plus, it’s like an instant energy burst! Sometimes it’s nice to give your digestive system a break and get your nutrition through juicing. Even once or twice a week, a fresh juice is great! 🙂

  • Reply Cassie | Crumb Kitchen February 12, 2016 at 11:28 am

    Oh Justine this is beautiful! I have to admit I’ve been creeping your website the past week and your eye for food styling and colours is out of this world. This blushing beet juice will make the perfect drink for this weekend. Thanks, girlfriend! 🙂

    • Reply Justine February 12, 2016 at 11:51 am

      Haha, thanks for such a sweet (and honest) comment, Cassie! I’ve done styling work for a long time, so I do have a bit of an advantage — but blogging has been a great way to refine and perfect my craft. If you try the recipe, I’d love your feedback. Cheers! 🙂

  • Reply Lily from GastroSenses February 12, 2016 at 11:56 am

    oh this looks absolutely delightful! I just posted my version of beet and blood orange juice as well 🙂 Congratulation on your 100th post!

    • Reply Justine February 12, 2016 at 11:59 am

      Thanks so much, Lily! I’m going over to check yours out now! It’s so difficult to find blood oranges here in Calgary, but I really love them. 🙂

  • Reply Taylor February 12, 2016 at 12:20 pm

    I absolutely love that you used heirloom carrots in this juice too! Beet juice is my go-to snack after work – I’ve never thought of using strawberries and always have frozen ones on hand so will have to give your mixture a try!

    • Reply Justine February 12, 2016 at 12:23 pm

      Thanks, Taylor! The heirloom carrots just looked too good to pass up at my local health food store this week — plus they’re so fun to juice! Haha. You could definitely blend the juice mixture up with some frozen strawberries for more of a smoothie — that would be delish!

  • Reply Julia February 12, 2016 at 2:28 pm

    Congratulations on 100 posts! Your blog is absolutely stunning from start to finish. The juice looks delicious also.

    • Reply Justine February 12, 2016 at 2:33 pm

      Aww, thanks Julia! The juice really is delish — I’m going to make a big glass again tomorrow. I don’t think I’ve visited your blog yet, I’m going to pop over!

  • Reply Kate February 17, 2016 at 1:53 pm

    I love this recipe! I’ve been vying for a juicer for sometime now but in the meantime I’m going to try and make this into a kind of smoothie! The imagery and photos are beautiful (as always)!

    • Reply Justine February 17, 2016 at 2:03 pm

      Thanks so much, Kate! I really can’t say enough good things about our juicer, but this would definitely work as a smoothie! A couple of comments above, Taylor mentioned trying it with frozen strawberries. You could totally make it into some kind of smoothie! If you do, please report back. 🙂

  • Reply Sandra February 18, 2016 at 8:14 pm

    This is my first time visiting you blog Justine and your photos are absolutely beautiful. And this juice looks delicious. Congratulations on your 100th post.!

    • Reply Justine February 18, 2016 at 9:15 pm

      Hi Sandra! Thank you so much for the kind feedback — I’m glad to have you along for the ride. 🙂

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