Dwell, Entertain, Flowers, Food, Guest Posts & Features, Kitchen, Life


Today’s post is something a little different! I’m excited to share a look inside my kitchen as part of the In Search of Yummyness In the Kitchen With Series. Shareba and I are both members of the Food Bloggers of Canada and we’ve always enjoyed keeping up with each other online. I was honoured when she asked me to be part of her new series, where she takes a look inside the kitchens of her favourite bloggers! You can hop over to her post for the interview, where she asks me things like what’s in my fridge, what I make for dinner on a hectic weekday, what I like to serve when I’m entertaining and what my favourite restaurants in Calgary are. I also let you in on some of my biggest recipe fails since I’ve started blogging! In my post today I’m sharing lots more photos of our space, so come hang out in my kitchen — I have snacks, flowers and chilled rosé!


Inside My Kitchen // JustineCelina.com

Can I get you something to drink? That’s the first thing I’d ask you if you we’re coming to hang out in my kitchen! I’m probably going to be saying this a lot, but I chat more about entertaining over in my interview on In Search of Yummyness. If this wine looks familiar, that’s because I mentioned it in my Simple Pleasures post — I’ve been really into dry, Spanish rosé lately. People often associate rosé with being sweet and stay away, but Spanish rosado is usually on the dryer side, though it’s still fruity. Give rosé a chance — you might be surprised!

Inside My Kitchen // JustineCelina.com

I love to have fresh flowers at home when I can — and this colourful arrangement totally brightens up my kitchen! If you’re interested, Rebecca and I have a DIY post where we show you how we (and by we, I mostly mean she!) made this arrangement, step-by-step. The blossoming branches are actually from a Nanking Cherry Tree in Rebecca’s Mom’s yard. We both like to bring the outside in and I love the organic look they give the arrangement. But if you’re looking for more flowers in the meantime, we’ve got you covered — check out some of our collaborative posts!

Inside My Kitchen // JustineCelina.com

I wanted something bright, cheerful and colourful that complimented the type of food I like to make — plant-based, fresh and seasonal. Rebecca is very skilled in taking my ideas and bringing them to life with her signature, artfully undone aesthetic.

Inside My Kitchen // JustineCelina.com

It’s funny — even though the kitchen is obviously where the cooking goes down, it’s not where I take my food photos. I think that’s probably the case for most bloggers or stylists. I have a perfectly lit little corner in the southwest part of our main living area — it’s become my set for just about all the blog photos I take. That’s why you’ve never seen my kitchen!

Inside My Kitchen // JustineCelina.com

Inside My Kitchen // JustineCelina.com

Most of the time you can find me standing here, chopping fruit and veg next to our overflowing bowl! Again, I chat more about this in the interview, but we try to keep the kitchen stocked with good, fresh ingredients. It makes it easy to whip something together and make better food choices despite our busy schedules. Of course that doesn’t always go to plan, but it does help! I make trips to the farmers market often and always come back bags full of produce and flowers. I also like to visit new markets when I’m traveling — some of my favourite markets are in small towns! I love being able to buy food directly from the people who grow it whenever possible.

Inside My Kitchen // JustineCelina.com

Inside My Kitchen // JustineCelina.com

One of the main things that drew us to this space was its sleek lines and simplicity. When we were looking for our home 4 years ago it was so different from anything else we’d seen. We both tend to favour modern architecture and it was love at first sight!

Inside My Kitchen // JustineCelina.comInside My Kitchen // JustineCelina.com

Even though our space is modern, I love that it still feels warm and inviting. Industrial architecture often feels cold to me, so I love the light, bright hues and natural wood textures of our kitchen. And I’m still obsessed with copper accents!

Inside My Kitchen // JustineCelina.com

Inside My Kitchen // JustineCelina.com

To be totally honest, the wine rack is normally fuller — but it’s almost summertime, which is when I stock up at my favourite vineyards in Creston (yes! Creston, British Columbia has a small but amazing wine region) and the Okanagan. I usually bring home case (or two!) during the summer that lasts us until the next summer — but let’s just say I’ve done a poor job at rationing this year! I’m always bringing wine from these smaller vineyards over to friends homes to share it with them, or serving it here when I entertain so other people can discover and enjoy it too.

Inside My Kitchen // JustineCelina.comne-celina_inside-my-kitchen_3

Inside My Kitchen // JustineCelina.com


Starburst Wall Mirror | Fruit Bowl | Marble Serving Board | Soap Dispenser | Salt & Pepper Shakers | Spoon Rest | Nespresso VertuoLine Chrome | Atelier Bar Stools | Cutting Board

Inside My Kitchen // JustineCelina.com

I hope you enjoyed hanging out in my kitchen! Thanks again to Shareba for the interview — if you guys are looking for other (food) bloggers to check out, definitely go over and take a look at her series. What a great idea!

Photography Milton Photography | Flowers Rebecca Dawn Design

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored, and contains my genuine thoughts and recommendations. JustineCelina uses affiliate and referral links, which allow me to receive a small commission when you make a purchase through one of my links. Your purchases help to support JustineCelina.com!

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  • Reply Kelly B. May 4, 2016 at 1:40 pm

    Wow, what a simply gorgeous blog post! I loved getting to “peek” into your kitchen. Thank you for sharing. You are an amazing hostess/chef! xx

    • Reply Justine May 4, 2016 at 1:42 pm

      Aww, thanks so much Kelly! You’re so sweet. Glad you enjoyed the post — it was such an honour to be interviewed. 🙂 A new first!

  • Reply Samantha May 6, 2016 at 11:25 am

    Gorgeous! Love all the white 🙂 It rally makes all the beautiful blooms pop. And the rose …. great choice!

    • Reply Justine May 6, 2016 at 1:04 pm

      Thanks for coming to hang out, Samantha! Cheers.

  • Reply Sean May 6, 2016 at 10:49 pm

    What a beautiful space – I can see how it must help you feel comfortable and inspired when you’re cooking. And as always, your passion for flowers (and everything else bright and joyful) never fails to bring a smile to my face.

    • Reply Justine May 7, 2016 at 9:59 am

      Thanks so much Sean! I’m going to pop over to see what you’ve been up to lately.

  • Reply Desiree May 7, 2016 at 1:36 am

    Thanks for the invite and the rosé I really enjoyed the peek in your kitchen, it’s beautiful and as you said, modern but still inviting.

    • Reply Justine May 7, 2016 at 9:59 am

      Thanks for stopping by, Desiree!

  • Reply Dylan May 7, 2016 at 1:46 am

    Your kitchen is gorgeous and so clean! Wowee. I would not let anyone take photos in my kitchen! Lol love all the flowers! Theme on point as usual.

    • Reply Justine May 7, 2016 at 10:00 am

      Haha, thanks Dylan! I definitely cleaned up before these photos were taken, but I do like to keep it as clean and clutter-free as possible. 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  • Reply Ayngelina Brogan May 12, 2016 at 12:29 pm

    Gorgeous kitchen, I’m so jealous of all your space!

    • Reply Justine May 12, 2016 at 12:34 pm

      Thanks so much, Ayngelina! It’s actually not overly large, just efficiently designed. 🙂

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