Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com
Creative Process, Dwell, Giveaways, Living Room, Plants, Space Refresh


Welcome back, interior design lovers — I have a very exciting post for you today! Since publishing our Living Room Reveal (and having it featured and shared across the internet — eee!) I’ve received many questions about our furniture, where we purchased it and how we chose each piece — and I’ve been quietly planning this post behind the scenes! Today I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve teamed up with Structube (where we purchased the majority of our Living Room furniture) to answer all your FAQs and giveaway a $250 Gift Card to one of my Canadian readers! How amazing is that? I know $250 certainly would have put a sizeable dent in a piece of furniture for our Living Room (I’m a bit jealous, TBH!). I’m so grateful for your support on our SPACE REFRESH series and knew I wanted to thank you by giving back — and Structube very generously offered to make that possible!

Today I’m revealing all the sources for the furniture we chose to refresh our Living Room — along with my process for creating our mood board, how we moved through the design process and how our final furniture selections deviated from the original plan (oh, the art of compromise when you’re designing a space with your partner!). I’m also sharing my best tips for maximizing an apartment sized living room and creating an inviting, functional, relatively clutter free space. If you’re a lover of mid century modern design and natural materials, you’ll love today’s post! Pour yourself a nice, crisp glass of wine (I’m actually enjoying a glass of the Côte des Roses you’ll see on our EVO Coffee Table in these photos) and settle in for your weekend read — and head to the bottom of the post for details on how to enter my $250 Structube Gift Card Giveaway (now closed)!


Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

So, why did we decide to go with Structube for the majority of our new Living Room furniture? It’s simple really. We were both extremely impressed with the quality, design and craftsmanship, especially for the price! We purchased every piece of furniture in this space ourselves — and at the time Structube had absolutely no idea who I was (the same way almost all of the brand partnerships you see come to life here at JustineCelina begin!). But as our SPACE REFRESH series rolled out, we began chatting about how we could work together since our space features Structube so prominently — and here we are! This post isn’t sponsored by Structube, however, they did offer to provide a very generous gift card to one of my Canadian friends and I thought I’d use this opportunity to answer your questions about our Living Room furniture!

Basically, I started hunting for our first pieces of furniture back in November of 2017 — when Structube first hit my radar. It all started with their NAVI wool rug, then I started browsing their sofas, then their coffee tables, sideboards and decor — and the rest is history! Originally we hadn’t planned on purchasing almost all of our furniture from one retailer, but we were so impressed with our rug, the rest just fell into place. And we truly couldn’t be happier with everything we chose after enjoying our new furniture since January! For our refreshed Living Room, we wanted to invest in good quality pieces we could enjoy for years to come and wholeheartedly recommend Structube to anyone who’s looking for beautifully designed and constructed furniture at reasonable prices.

Insider tip: Structube also offers batched delivery on all orders for $90, flat — which is a steal if you ask me! Since our order was quite large, we had each piece of furniture we delivered in one trip and it was incredibly convenient. I would absolutely use their delivery service again and recommend it to anyone ordering large pieces of furniture or a few pieces at once. Everything was impeccably packaged and the staff who delivered our order were extremely careful. There’s wasn’t a single scratch, scuff or missing part!

Living Room Reveal in Partnership with HomeSense Canada | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada // JustineCelina.com

Those of you who’ve been following along with our SPACE REFRESH are probably pretty used to my Living Room mood board! I wanted to include it again in this post because it features most of the furniture I’ll be chatting about today — with a few swaps we decided to make as we moved through the design process. If you’re new and not sure what a mood board is, be sure to hop over to this post where I explain mood boards and why they’re integral to my creative process! I’ve organized this post by furniture item in the order we purchased them so you can better understand how our Living Room came together — so let’s get started, shall we?

NAVI Wool Rug 6×9′

$ 779

Basically, my vision for our Living Room all started with Structube’s NAVI Wool Rug. Before our SPACE REFRESH, we had an old silver shag rug I originally purchased from Urban Barn about 9 years ago — and I was so over it! It cost a fortune, it was difficult to clean (a total nightmare to vacuum and also a struggle to shake out because it was so heavy). It also shed all over the floor! Without fail, I’d sweep silver shag up every single day. So, I knew it had to be one of the first things to go!

Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | Structube VAKA Floor Cushions | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

My new criteria for a large area rug was something lightweight, durable and made from natural materials that would age well. In my online searches, I came across Structube’s NAVI and it was love at first sight — the dimensions were perfect, I loved the subtle pattern and knew it would be the perfect cozy base. I also discovered it was extremely popular and back ordered for about 8 months — and that just wasn’t going to do! So, I hunted down the last one left in the city at the farthest Structube from us (figures!) back in November and somehow convinced them to sell me the floor model (which was hung for display on their racks, had never seen the floor and was in pristine condition!).

Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

I’m so impressed with our Navi rug — it’s exactly what I was looking for and brings a such a coziness to the space. It also makes a perfect backdrop if you want to experiment with layering your rugs, like we did in our Living Room. I love its durability, how easy it is to clean and how forgiving it is with food and drink spills (because we do live in our living room!). NAVI is actually what inspired the rest of our Structube purchases and my entire vision for our Living Room — it was the first piece I put on our mood board and I built the room around it!

Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

KINSEY 100% Leather 3-seater Sofa in Caramel

$ 2,299

When I was dreaming up the vision for our Living Room refresh, a mid century inspired leather sofa was definitely on the menu. Prior to this, we were working with an old (like… the first cream sectional I ever purchased when I signed the lease for my very first apartment without roommates 9 years ago!) and I cannot even begin to tell you the headache it gave us when we moved into this space. We live on the third floor — and it actually had to come in (and out) through the balcony (ugh… what a nightmare!). It also made for really awkward seating whenever we had company, because no more than 3 people can sit comfortably on a sectional. So, we knew we wanted a couch and chairs (or chair) in stead of a sectional in our refreshed Living Room.

Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | Structube KINSEY 100% Leather Sofa in Caramel | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

As I mentioned in our Living Room Reveal, our builder was inspired by earth’s natural elements — so I used that concept as my inspiration for our Living Room refresh. In keeping with the natural elements theme, I selected furniture in textures and materials found in nature that age gracefully — including wool, leather and wood. Adam had always wanted a leather couch too, so it was pretty easy to decide on the KINSEY 100% Leather 3-seater Sofa in Caramel — which I discovered around the same time as our NAVI rug. It’s the sofa of my dreams in all it’s mid century glory, plus it’s insanely comfortable. Adam is a very practical guy and can’t stand it when things aren’t comfortable (be it clothing, furniture, you name it!), so although he liked the design, he wanted to pop down to a store and do the ‘sit test’. Let’s just say he was pleasantly surprised!

Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | Structube KINSEY 100% Leather Sofa in Caramel | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

The KINSEY leather sofa offers incredible value and quality for the price — and because of this, it’s almost always back ordered. But we loved it so much, we were happy to wait. And I’m so glad we did! I’ve fallen asleep on our KINSEY a few times, it’s wearing so well and I know it will continue to look better with age as a natural patina starts to develop. It adds so much character and warmth to our space! The KINSEY also comes with a 5 year warranty and I think it’s a fantastic investment piece if you’re looking for a sleek, comfortable, mid century inspired sofa.

Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | Structube KINSEY 100% Leather Sofa in Caramel | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

KINSEY 100% Leather Armchair in Caramel

$ 1,349

Now here’s a piece of furniture you don’t see on or mood board — and that’s because I had something else in mind originally! As you can see, I actually wanted 2 of Structube’s KLEIN Armchairs in Beige in the space, but I was met with a little resistance. Adam’s a pretty easy going guy and loved most items on the mood board (he’s not a details man so he’s happy to let me put together the overall vision for a space) but he absolutely detested those KLEIN chairs! He said they reminded him of waiting room chairs in his childhood dentist’s office (where do they come up with these things?!) and that he really wanted to explore other options. Although they passed the sit test, his opinion wasn’t swayed.

Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | Structube KINSEY 100% Leather Armchair in Caramel | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

Adam has always wanted a leather arm chair — so we looked into a few options, but settled on the KINSEY 100% Leather Armchair in Caramel — but just one. Since it’s actually quite a large chair for the space, I knew we couldn’t have one on either side of the sofa like I had originally wanted with the KLEINs, but was open to seeing how just one KINSEY armchair worked in the space. Once we set everything up, we absolutely fell in love with it (Adam calls it his ‘scotch and cigars chair’). I really like how open and airy the space feels leaving the left side of the couch open — and I was also able to experiment with alternative including poufs and our VAKA Floor Cushions (which are also from Structube, more on those below!). Now, we can comfortably seat up to 7 people in the Living Room and I’m so happy we went with the KINSEY Armchair — I don’t think my original plan would have been nearly as functional!

Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | Structube KINSEY 100% Leather Armchair in Caramel | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

Since the KINSEY Sofa was back ordered at the time we placed our order and Armchair wasn’t, Structube actually suggested we wait for the sofa and chair to be delivered together to ensure they came from the same batch to avoid and slight differences in the colour of the leather. That’s something I would have never considered myself, but my Type A personality loves that level of service! So, that’s exactly what we did — and all our pieces were delivered together. It worked out perfectly!

Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | Structube KINSEY 100% Leather Armchair in Caramel | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

EVO Storage Coffee Table in White

$ 549

The EVO Storage Coffee Table in White is another piece you don’t see on the mood board! Originally I had my eye on the OSAKA Coffee Table in White which is super cute, but knew we really needed some extra storage since that was the biggest issue with our previous set up. In store, EVO caught my eye — it features a super sleek design in a glossy white material that matches our kitchen cupboards, plus all that concealed storage is right up my alley.

Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | Structube KINSEY 100% Leather Armchair in Caramel | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

The EVO features a drawer on the right where we store remotes, cords and other tech accessories — and get this, the entire left panel (where the books and wine are) actually lifts up to morph into a workstation (or TV tray!). How cool is that? This is an extremely solid, well crafted piece and assembly was a breeze — all we had to do was screw the legs on and it was ready to go!

Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | Structube EVO Storage Coffee Table in White | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

OCEAN 2 Door Sideboard

$ 649

For a long time I struggled with what to do with the area behind the chair, against the back wall, even as the vision for the main seating area came together. Since our Living Room is long but narrow, it’s not really an option to have our furniture up against the walls — and I’ve liked that look anyway. We kept a comfortable walkway behind the couch open to be able to access our patio door easily and pulled the chair in closer to the fireplace as well. Even with our previous set up, the sectional was on the same side as our new chair, so we knew this layout worked well to keep the space feeling open. Originally, our Wine Nook was against that wall (hop over to that post for a major throwback, when the whole apartment was horrible builders greige we painstakingly covered during the summer!) but we never really used that area, even when we entertained. As a secondary seating area, it felt really isolated from the rest of the room and no one ever sat there! So I knew I wanted to change things up in this space to make it more functional.

Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | Structube Ocean 2 Door Sideboard | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

Believe it or not, this area is where I shoot the majority of my FOOD, BEAUTY and FLOWER content as well (I set up my backdrops and reflectors on the floor to create my home photography studio!). The south facing windows combined with the west facing patio door window creates the most beautiful, even lighting — like a natural soft box. So I knew I wanted to keep this area open, accessible and functional for the way I use the space. Eventually, I arrived at the idea of adding more concealed storage without losing a lot of space — and stumbled on the OCEAN 2 Door Sideboard on sale for nearly half price (which it still is!). I love the sleek, mid century inspired design, the wooden legs that tie in with the rest of the furniture and the airy feeling of the piece. It works beautifully to keep that corner feeling light and bright since we have a lot of larger, warm toned pieces of furniture in the main seating area.

Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | Structube Ocean 2 Door Sideboard | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

Our OCEAN sideboard is full of styling props and entertaining essentials — and I absolutely love it! Our Living Room Refresh was all about creating a beautiful, functional space for us to live and work in — photo shoot areas included! Not only is it a super functional piece, it’s also incredibly well made, especially for the sale price. You do have to assemble this piece yourself, but Adam did it pretty easily in a couple of hours (with the encouragement of a couple cold beers!).

Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | Structube Ocean 2 Door Sideboard | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

VAKA Floor Cushions


$ 38

Although these aren’t a main piece of furniture, they’re definitely a topic of conversation and so many of you have asked about our Vaka Floor Cushions. Pulling up a seat on one of these is my favourite spot in the Living Room! I’ve always preferred to sit crossed legged on the floor in my own home and even in friends and families homes — so I knew I wanted to bring in some alternative seating. These floor cushion are so comfortable and I actually use them to meditate as well. I love the way they look and for us they’re super functional — for me, at least!

Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | Structube VAKA Floor Cushions | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

SOL Metal Pots

$ 29 (small)

The final Structube pieces in our Living Room are these beautiful SOL Metal Pots housing our Stromanthe Sanguinea plants (you’ll also catch a glimpse of these plants in my mood board!). I spotted the SOLs in-store during one of my many Structube runs as this space came together and snapped them up right away (FYI, Structube doesn’t have any inventory in the back — they stores are essentially just showrooms and you can purchase accessories off the floor, but generally have to order in furniture unless you’re extremely persuasive and it’s sold out online!). As I researched which plants would work in our space (I also have a post planned about this for the summer!), I figured the SOLs would be perfect for our Stromanthe Sanguineas — and it turns out I was right. The plants are extremely happy there next to the sofa and I love the touch of metallic the pots bring to that corner!

Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | Structube SOL Metal Pots | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com


Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | Structube KINSEY 100% Leather Armchair in Caramel | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

Space Refresh | Paint Transformation

DIY | Large Driftwood Macrame Wall Hanging

Space Refresh | Living Room Reveal

Our Apartment Therapy Living Room Feature

Space Refresh | Dining Room, Bar & Kitchen Reveal


It’s giveaway time! If you could use a little help refreshing your home this spring, I’ve partnered with Structube to give away a $250 Gift Card to one of my Canadian friends!

Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

To enter to win a $250 Structube Gift Card:

• Follow JustineCelina on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest
• Follow Structube on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest
• Leave a comment below telling me why you want to win!

Bonus entry for Instagram users:

• Head over to this post and follow the instructions!

Contest open to Canadian residents until May 11th, 2018 at 11:59pm MST. The winner will be contacted via DM, comment and / or email and has 3 days to claim there prize, otherwise another winner will be selected. Good luck!

Our Living Room Furniture + $250 Structube #Giveaway | A Bohemian, Mid Century Modern Apartment in Calgary, Alberta, Canada | Justine Celina Maguire Living Room // JustineCelina.com

Thanks for stopping by to learn more about our Living Room furniture! We’re so impressed with the quality and value Structube offers and will definitely be return customers as we continue on our SPACE REFRESH journey — in fact, I’m already planning which pieces we’d like for the master bedroom and office! Wishing you the best of luck if you’re entering the giveaway!

If you’re looking for even more home decor inspiration, you can also follow along with my Home Pinterest Board for more interior inspiration, or the JustineCelina Home board where I’ll be pinning our refreshed spaces and other DWELL content as it rolls out. I hope you found this post helpful — but if you have questions about anything else, just leave me a comment! Enjoy this beautiful weekend, friends!

Thank you Brit + Co for featuring our gorgeous KINSEY sofa in your 9 Ways to Rock the Leather Sofa Trend That’s Taking Over Instagram roundup.

Disclaimer: Thank you to Structube for facilitating this giveaway. This post is not sponsored and contains my genuine thoughts, ideas and recommendations. JustineCelina uses affiliate and referral links, which allow me to receive a small commission when you make a purchase through one of my links. Thank you for supporting the brands and businesses that support JustineCelina.com!

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  • Reply OUR APARTMENT THERAPY LIVING ROOM FEATURE - JustineCelina May 4, 2018 at 6:43 pm

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    • Reply Mike May 16, 2020 at 12:00 pm

      How have the Kinsey couch and chair held up the pst 2 years? I’m considering the sectional.

      • Reply Justine May 18, 2020 at 10:08 pm

        Hey Mike! They’ve held up very well — we couldn’t be happier! If you like, you can check out how they’ve worn in my recent Instagram photos. Let me know if you have any additional questions!

  • Reply Michelle Gordon May 4, 2018 at 8:52 pm

    Would looooove to update our living room! Desperately need a new rug!

    • Reply Justine May 8, 2018 at 10:13 am

      A new rug is a great place to start! Thanks for the entry, Michelle!

  • Reply Katelyn Couch May 4, 2018 at 10:56 pm

    I would love to invest in some beautiful new pieces of furniture! Definitely feeling inspired by your amazing decor sense!

    • Reply Justine May 8, 2018 at 10:14 am

      Thanks so much, Katelyn! My fingers are crossed for you!

  • Reply Linda May 5, 2018 at 12:41 am

    I would love to put this towards a new kitchen table as our current one is literally on its last legs.

    • Reply Justine May 8, 2018 at 10:13 am

      Thanks for entering, Linda! Best of luck!

  • Reply Cassie Hendry May 5, 2018 at 4:31 am

    Justine! I saw this makeover back when it was posted on Apartment Therapy and was like, yes! Score one for the Canadians! I’m loving the warm tones and comfy vibes (and those couches are to die for). I mentioned this on my Insta entry, but my fiancé and I just found out on Monday we’re moving to Victoria, BC for his military job, so moving all the way across the country with frumpy IKEA couches that are stained and old is not our idea of starting fresh. 😉 We actually went into Structube two weekends ago and fell in love with EVERYTHING there. I swear, haha. So that’s why we’d love to win!

    • Reply Justine May 8, 2018 at 10:16 am

      Cassie — that’s such an exciting change for you guys! I have a feeling that you’ll LOVE the island. 🙂 I’ve actually spent quite a bit of time there over the years, so if you need any recommendations or have questions feel free to hit me up! Best of luck and thanks so much for your lovely words!

  • Reply Nicoletta sugarlovespices May 6, 2018 at 9:26 pm

    What a beautiful makeover! Love the color palette of your living room and each piece is gorgeous! We actually went to Structube last week to look for a new couch and are deciding between two wonderful ones. That’s why we’d love to win!

    • Reply Justine May 8, 2018 at 10:17 am

      Thank you so much, Nicoletta! I can’t recommend their couches enough, they’re so comfortable without sacrificing style or quality. Wishing you luck!

  • Reply Bernice Hill May 7, 2018 at 10:31 am

    My house needs such a refresh, I wouldn’t even know where to begin! Maybe a new computer desk would be ideal!

    • Reply Justine May 8, 2018 at 10:18 am

      I already have office furniture picked out, too! Structube has some beautiful desks and storage solutions for the home office. Thanks for the entry and for your support, Bernice!

  • Reply Tim May 7, 2018 at 12:06 pm

    They have a lot of great things on their site that we could use, especially for the dining room. Our home has a separate dining room, and it has next to nothing in it because our previous home had an eat-in kitchen. We need to spruce it up a bit.

    My Instagram and Twitter name is 1froglegs, my Pinterest name is 1porkchop, and my Facebook name is Tim Lintz

    • Reply Justine May 8, 2018 at 10:19 am

      Awesome! Thanks so much for your entry, Tim — and best of luck!

  • Reply MDIVADOMESTICA May 8, 2018 at 7:40 am

    What a relaxing & wonderful living space! The calming tones is like a retreat everytime you walk in the door.

    • Reply Justine May 8, 2018 at 10:23 am

      Thank you! That’s exactly what we were going for. Our home is our sanctuary!

  • Reply Jessica Gipson May 8, 2018 at 10:18 am

    I would love to win to give my living room a new updated look.

    • Reply Justine May 8, 2018 at 10:24 am

      Best of luck, Jessica!

  • Reply Leanne | Crumb Top Baking May 9, 2018 at 10:03 pm

    Justine, the furniture and decor is so sleek and modern, yet inviting and cozy! I’m experiencing serious living room envy right now!

    • Reply Justine May 14, 2018 at 10:56 am

      Thank you so much, Leanne! That’s exactly what we were going for. Renos and redecorating are so much work, but so worth it!

  • Reply Diana Trang May 9, 2018 at 11:57 pm

    I would love to put this towards my new house! I really like the furniture you picked from Structube, I have to go check them out.

    • Reply Justine May 14, 2018 at 10:57 am

      Thanks so much for the entry Diana! Structube has fantastic pieces. I’m obviously a huge fan!

  • Reply Stephanie May 10, 2018 at 3:40 am

    Your living room looks amazing! I’d love to win because we are coming back from a year of living abroad and need to furnish our living room in Calgary again asap!

    • Reply Justine May 14, 2018 at 11:01 am

      Stephanie, that is so exciting! I hope I run into you in Calgary soon. Safe travels back to Canada!

  • Reply jenn May 11, 2018 at 4:13 pm

    Gorgeous, Justine! Wanna come and design my living room?!

    • Reply Justine May 14, 2018 at 11:02 am

      Thanks so much, Jennifer! How are you liking your new place?

  • Reply Pat KB May 11, 2018 at 4:37 pm

    Hi Justin,
    Loved your article! I use to make macrame hangers! Would love to win! Could use it for my spring renos in my home and my daughter-in-law would probably like to shop there.

    • Reply Justine May 14, 2018 at 11:03 am

      That’s so cool, Pat! I love macrame — I’d love to learn to DIY! Thanks so much for your entry.

  • Reply Justine May 12, 2018 at 4:20 am

    Thank you for your entries, everyone. This giveaway is NOW CLOSED.

    • Reply Justine May 14, 2018 at 10:55 am

      Congratulations to @alyfresh, who won via Instagram. Thank you so much for your entries and support, everyone!

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  • Reply Rachel Lamoureux February 2, 2019 at 4:47 am

    Love love love this make over! Can you please share the dimensions of the dining/living room? We are going to be remodeling and will have a similar, long narrow room and I’m wondering if it will be large enough to be utilized as you have used yours for both dining and lounging. Thank you!!

    • Reply Justine February 3, 2019 at 1:49 pm

      Hi Rachel! Thanks for the lovely comment. Just measured it up for you — the whole room is 12′ 5″ wide by 29′ 6″ long, plus the little bar nook (you can see the detailed dimensions of that space in this post). Best of luck with your makeover — how exciting!

  • Reply Kristina June 4, 2019 at 11:42 am

    Hi Justine!

    Loving your living room refresh! May I ask where you got your gorgeous mirror from?

    Thanks 🙂

    • Reply Justine June 4, 2019 at 11:55 am

      Thanks so much, Kristina! It’s from HomeSense, as most of the decor in the space is. That said, I purchased it over a year ago, but I have seen similar styles (at great prices!) in-store recently. Best of luck tracking one down!

      • Reply Kristina June 7, 2019 at 11:18 am

        Thanks, Justine!

        • Reply Justine June 7, 2019 at 9:59 pm

          My pleasure! If you’re curious about other decor items in our Living Room, pop over to our Living Room Reveal post for details. Have a great weekend!

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  • Reply Dee November 10, 2020 at 1:09 pm

    Thanks for the thorogh review – the new space looks fantastic – very bright and airy! I’m looking at purchasing the Kinsey armchair for my new space – how has it held up to wear and tear? And how big is the actual seat of the chair (minus the arms and back)?

    • Reply Justine November 10, 2020 at 1:26 pm

      Hi Dee, it’s my pleasure! I’m asked this question almost daily via Instagram DMs, and I’m happy to report the chair has held up beautifully (you can see how it looks nearly 3 years later in this post). We couldn’t be happier and continue to recommend every furniture purchase we made for our Living Room Refresh. I just did a quick measure of the seat of the chair and it’s about 30″ wide (although, 6″ on each side is covered by the armrests) and 22″ deep. Have fun refreshing your new space and please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

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