JustineCelina - Page 37 of 73 - A Creative Lifestyle Blog | Based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada JustineCelina - Page 37 of 73 - A Creative Lifestyle Blog | Based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Summer 2017 Trend Guide | Weekend Wear // JustineCelina.com
Beauty, Fashion, Hair, Summer, Travel, Trend Guides


Welcome back for another SUMMER 2017 TREND GUIDE, everyone! It’s been a beautiful summer here in Calgary and personally, I’m not even close to being ready for fall. I said the same thing last summer, but fall doesn’t officially arrive for over a month and I’m in absolutely no rush to get there. So while the fashion industry (and many fellow bloggers ) are gearing up for autumn, here at JustineCelina I’m planning to enjoy summer for as long as possible! You can expect one more SUMMER 2017 TREND GUIDE later this month, along with a new post in my WHAT TO WEAR TO series — this time, I’m styling a look for late summer weddings.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves! My goal through publishing these TREND GUIDES is to keep you (and myself!) up to speed on the latest trends while also staying true to my personal style. And I’m sure by now, you must understand my love of white, stripes and oversized straw bags! Although this look features a lot of the same trends as my Spring 2017 Trend Guide | Casual Chic (which I styled for more professional settings), this is a look I’d typically reserve for weekends. And if I’m honest, I’ve repeated this exact outfit several times already this summer! Hang onto summer a little longer today as I chat about how to style breezy stripes, summer whites, embellished straw bags (I actually DIYed this one!), straw, rattan and jute accessories, espadrilles and boho braids in this relaxed weekend look!

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July 2017 Beauty Favourites // JustineCelina.com
Beauty, Drugstore, Luxury, Makeup, Monthly Favourites, Reviews, Skincare, Summer


How was your August long weekend, beautiful people? If you follow along with my Insta Stories, you’ll know we painted our living room, dining room and kitchen (about 700 square feet!) this weekend to kick off our Space Refresh (read more our plans here until it rolls out on the blog later this year) and I spent the entire weekend (including my birthday!) makeup free and covered in paint. So as you can imagine, it feels fantastic to wash the paint out of my hair and publish my July 2017 Beauty Favourites today!

July actually turned out to be relatively low key beauty wise, but still full of some great products I can’t wait to share with you. This past month, I finally finished my testing and am ready to recommend skincare that isn’t Paula’s Choice (I know — shocker right? I’ve been testing it since February and it’s fantastic!), an invigorating, sugar based body scrub (perfect for polishing away those last bits of fake tan!), a beautifully clean summer scent, the perfect contour powder to compliment a summer glow, another fantastic drugstore mascara, completely fell for Urban Decay’s Naked Heat Palette (it’s a must for us green eyed gals!) and rediscovered a highlighter from Colourpop (why did it take me so long to appreciate this unique, glossy formula?!). Ladies and gents, pour yourself a chilled glass of vino and pull up a seat at my vanity tonight for another Monthly Beauty Favourites post!

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Digital Blooms August 2017 | Free Desktop Wallpapers | Design 2 // JustineCelina.com x Rebecca Dawn Design
Create, Digital Blooms, Flowers, Summer


August is upon us and we’ve created something completely different for this month’s set of free digital wallpapers! In the most time consuming (but totally worth it!) set of DIGITAL BLOOMS to date, this month Rebecca Dawn Design and I were inspired by airy summer fabrics, tapestries, textiles and on trend, embroidered floral details. We invite you to decorate your tech with 3 free floral designs intricately woven together with a mosaic of curated summer blooms — including Italian Ruscus, white Hypericum, Spray (Pompom) Chrysanthemums, green Hydrangeas, white Wax Flowers, white Spray Aster, pink Hypericums, weeping Podocarpus and pink Larkspurs.

Add a beautiful, bohemian touch to your tech this month by clicking through to choose from 3 free digital wallpapers and enjoy these sweet summer blooms on your the background of your computer, tablet or phone all month long! August’s palette features a tranquil palette of crisp white, natural green, warm coral, vibrant citrine and pastel pink intertwined in inspired harmony. If you’re looking to refresh your tech with something understated yet interesting this summer, we would love for you to download our August 2017 Free Desktop Wallpapers!

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July 2017 Soundtrack // JustineCelina.com
Music, Summer


Somehow, July is almost over (can summer please stay forever?) and that means I have a fresh playlist in store for you today! My July 2017 Soundtrack is 3 hours and 15 minutes of blissed out, daydreamy tunes. As always, it’s a pretty eclectic mix and as always, it’s easy on the ears! July was full on and this was the background music to my daily adventures — I hope you enjoy these 51 tracks as much as I have lately!

So, what sounded especially good to my ears this month? I’m glad you asked! July’s standout tracks included Sorcha Richardson’s 4AM, Van Common’s This Afternoon, Neon Indian’s Deadbeat Summer (I know it’s ancient, but I love it!), Pool Cosby’s Laniki, Work Drugs’ Alternative Facts (at first for the name alone… but it’s a great tune!), Bien’s Stars Across the Sky, CLAAV’s Electric Feel (a super striped down version of the original), Blood Culture’s Moon, Pierce Fulton and NVDES Better Places, alt-J’s Dancing in the Moonlight, The Analog Affairs’ The New Shit, Aso’s Loungin, ODESZA and Naomi Wild’s Higher Ground, Loke Lore’s Goodpain, Hatchie’s Try, Tourist and Ardyn’s We Stayed Up All Night, Carl Louis’s Matinee, Khalid and GoldLink’s Let’s Go, Bayonne and Gigamesh’s Fallss, Your Song is Good’s Cruise, Polo and Pan’s Nana (the whole album is amazing!), Rosemary Fairweather’s Chemicals and Poolside’s Everything Goes. Spotify also compiled a Summer Rewind playlist for me this month featuring some old summer favourites — and I have to say, it’s killer. If you’re looking for even more happy, sunshiny tunes to blast through your speakers this summer, definitely check it out.

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Watermelon Frosé Margaritas // JustineCelina.com
Entertain, Gluten Free, Summer, Vegan, Vegetarian, Wine & Cocktails


You guys, this week has been such a whirlwind! Between spending time in the prairies working ahead on some exciting new projects, capturing tons of content for JustineCelina, publishing 3 blog posts, speaking at a YYC Blogger Babes event last night about The Business of Blogging and attending another event earlier today for a new partnership — I’m totally having a cocktail (or two) tonight as I finish up this post!

If you’ve been following along with my Insta Stories this summer, you’ve undoubtedly seen me whip up a Watermelon Frosé Margarita. She was a fun recipe to test and a fast favourite among friends and family — a pretty, pink cocktail gone rogue! This time, my Connecting Over Cocktails crew and I are serving up an array of seasonal, fruity cocktails for our Summer Edition and I knew I wanted to do something a bit different. Today I’m shaking things up with my Watermelon Frosé Margaritas — an icy sangria 2.0 with an attitude, and tequila on her breath! In true JustineCelina style, she’s made with just 5 ingredients blended over frozen watermelon creating a naturally sweet, feisty summer cocktail that embraces fruity flavours with a margarita essence and a Himalayan pink salted rim! If you, too are in desperate need of a refreshing cocktail this weekend (hellooooooo, heatwave), check out the bottom of this post for inspired summer sips from my mega talented foodie friends!

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Flowerchild | Canola fields in rural Alberta, Canada // JustineCelina.com
Fashion, Inspiration, Jewelry, Life, Summer, Wellness


The canola is in full bloom here on the Alberta prairies where I’ve spent the better part of the past week on a bit of a ‘workcation’ — and I couldn’t resist slipping out to capture another set of golden hour images! As a blogger and content creator, I review my photo archives often, and the images we captured during last year’s completely impromptu (and a little tipsy!) canola shoot were some of my favourite of the entire year. So last night we decided to resurrect those happy, sunshiny memories! I put on a different dress and we headed up the gravel road to a different field with different camera a different lens — almost exactly 1 year later.

I’m wearing a few of my favourite things in this post — a flowy, white cotton dress, a turban style headband, an Amuse Bouche lipstick, oversized, round sunnies and some vintage jewellery. I’m also sharing some thoughts on creativity, inspiration, balance and the grind of modern day life in this introspective post. I invite you to hit pause for a little while, bathe in this beautiful golden light and breathe in the warm, canola scented air with me on this peaceful summer evening in the prairies!

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Wild Saskatoon Berry Crumble | Dairy, Gluten & Refined Sugar Free // JustineCelina.com
Baking, Dairy Free, Dessert & Treats, Food, Gluten Free, Life, Summer, Vegan, Vegetarian, Wellness


Happy Monday, everyone! How was your weekend? If you’ve been following along with my Insta Stories lately you likely caught a glimpse of what my weekend looked like, including my very first saskatoon picking adventure! An old friend of mine invited us to forage their family farm near Carseland, Alberta where the saskatoons are flourishing — it’s the best crop they’ve ever had. I spent Saturday evening strolling through saskatoon tree lined paths with my Mom and little sister — bucket in one berry stained hand and camera in the other (now that’s my kind of girls night!). It was a gorgeous evening and we came away with overflowing buckets, happy hearts and about 8 pounds of berries!

Enjoy the bounty of our beautiful Canadian prairies with my Wild Saskatoon Berry Crumble — a simple, 9 ingredient recipe with a wholesome, plant based spin. It’s free of dairy, gluten and refined sugar — and bursting with decadent berry flavour! Freshly picked saskatoons are bathed in bright lemon juice then naturally sweetened with rich, caramel laden coconut sugar and sprinkled with a hearty topping including quick oats, homemade oat flour, more coconut sugar, Himalayan pink salt, cinnamon, chopped almonds and coconut oil. This vibrant, crowd pleasing dessert that accommodates food allergies and sensitivities without compromising those classic crumble characteristics we all know and love (I promise, no one will know it’s a ‘free from’ dessert!). It’s a no fuss summer dessert that’s ideal for entertaining and can be on your table in 45 minutes!

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