Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup | A fruity, exotic twist on an autumnal classic | The Best Vegan Pureed Soup for Fall | Best Autumn Soup Recipes | Dairy Free Pureed Soups | Cozy Fall Soup Recipes | #glutenfree #dairyfree #vegan | Pureed Soup in a Vitamix | Roasted Carrot Soup For Fall | Fall Soup with Apples | How to Use Sumac | The Best Sumac Recipes | Sumac Health Benefits | Calgary Food Blogger, Food Stylist and Food Photographer //
Dinner, Fall, Food, Gluten Free, Lunch, Paleo, Soups, Vegan, Vegetarian


Happy Sunday, friends! There’s something synonymous about autumn and a big, velvety bowl of puréed soup, isn’t there? It’s no secret that I love a good puréed soup here at JustineCelina — in fact, this recipe is the fourth one I’ve published! But his fall, I’ve channelled globally inspired flair and a unique, fruit-forward flavour profile into one of my favourite seasonal staples. The changing leaves and cooler temperatures always invoke a desire to spend my Sundays puttering away in the kitchen in a cozy sweater — and that’s exactly how this recipe came together! A jar of sumac arrived in my PC Insiders surprise box last month and I was eager to experiment, but we were running low on groceries — so I combined a handful of seasonal ingredients to create a simple fall soup that allowed the sumac to shine. We enjoyed it for dinner alongside a salad with a delicious glass of late harvest Riesling. After sharing it on Stories and receiving many requests for the recipe, I knew I wanted to bring it to the blog this autumn! 

My Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup is a fruity, exotic twist on an autumnal classic — where seasonal produce staples of carrots, apples, onion and garlic are generously seasoned with sumac and simple spices, roasted to perfection and pureed with creamy cashew milk, vegetable stock, fresh ginger and zingy lemon. This ultra simple, ultra nourishing, family-friendly fall soup is vegan, gluten and refined sugar free and comes together in just one hour with twelve ingredients, including seasonings! If you’re ready to celebrate the height of Canadian apple season and bring some Middle Eastern / North African flair your kitchen, pop out to your local grocery store, pick up some dried sumac (it’s available at Superstore in the bulk section, as well as part of the PC Black Label collection!) and let’s get to work! Sometimes all it takes is a new ingredient to reignite your passion for local, seasonal produce. 


Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup | A fruity, exotic twist on an autumnal classic | The Best Vegan Pureed Soup for Fall | Best Autumn Soup Recipes | Dairy Free Pureed Soups | Cozy Fall Soup Recipes | #glutenfree #dairyfree #vegan | Pureed Soup in a Vitamix | Roasted Carrot Soup For Fall | Fall Soup with Apples | How to Use Sumac | The Best Sumac Recipes | Sumac Health Benefits | Calgary Food Blogger, Food Stylist and Food Photographer //

Have you ever worked with sumac? Although we have a sumac bush at my childhood home in rural Alberta (where I shot these photos one beautiful early autumn day!) and I’d always admired the beautiful, claret-coloured berries it produced at this time of year, I’d never cooked with it until this fall. Sometimes inspiration is right in front of us! 

Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup | A fruity, exotic twist on an autumnal classic | What sumac plants grow on the Alberta Prairies | Sumac Varieties in North America | How to Cook with Sumac | When Does Sumac Bloom? | How to Use Sumac | The Best Sumac Recipes | Sumac Health Benefits | Calgary Food Blogger, Food Stylist and Food Photographer //

So when dried sumac arrived in my PC Insiders surprise box, I was immediately intrigued. It’s a beautiful, exotic spice that’s equal parts tangy, fruity and citrusy with a touch of saltiness. After some research, I learned that sumac fruits are also high in vitamin C, A and antioxidants — making it wonderful addition to a nourishing fall soup during flu season!

Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup | A fruity, exotic twist on an autumnal classic | The Best Vegan Pureed Soup for Fall | Best Autumn Soup Recipes | Dairy Free Pureed Soups | Cozy Fall Soup Recipes | #glutenfree #dairyfree #vegan | Pureed Soup in a Vitamix | Roasted Carrot Soup For Fall | Fall Soup with Apples | How to Use Sumac | The Best Sumac Recipes | Sumac Health Benefits | Calgary Food Blogger, Food Stylist and Food Photographer //

Upon my first sampling, my instinct was that it would play well with roasted vegetables (and fruits!), so I pulled out what we hand on hand — carrots, apples, onions, garlic and ginger. I knew there was a great autumn soup recipe in the works! 

Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup | A fruity, exotic twist on an autumnal classic | The Best Vegan Pureed Soup for Fall | Best Autumn Soup Recipes | Dairy Free Pureed Soups | Cozy Fall Soup Recipes | #glutenfree #dairyfree #vegan | Pureed Soup in a Vitamix | Roasted Carrot Soup For Fall | Fall Soup with Apples | How to Use Sumac | The Best Sumac Recipes | Sumac Health Benefits | Calgary Food Blogger, Food Stylist and Food Photographer //

Since the sumac alone adds such a beautiful complexity to this soup, I kept the rest of the seasonings and ingredients straightforward. After roasting them up for half an hour, I puréed them with kitchen staples — low sodium vegetable stock, cashew milk (although you can use whatever plant-based milk you have on hand) fresh ginger and a hint of fresh lemon juice to finish this fruit-forward soup with brightness.

Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup | A fruity, exotic twist on an autumnal classic | The Best Vegan Pureed Soup for Fall | Best Autumn Soup Recipes | Dairy Free Pureed Soups | Cozy Fall Soup Recipes | #glutenfree #dairyfree #vegan | Pureed Soup in a Vitamix | Roasted Carrot Soup For Fall | Fall Soup with Apples | How to Use Sumac | The Best Sumac Recipes | Sumac Health Benefits | Calgary Food Blogger, Food Stylist and Food Photographer //

If you love the idea of a puréed soup but aren’t a huge squash fan (like my Mom!) consider my Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup an exotic alternative. This simple, seasonal soup with gourmet flair makes a beautiful light lunch or nourishing accompaniment to dinner — and it’s the perfect way to use autumn’s bountiful apples in a fresh way! 

Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup | A fruity, exotic twist on an autumnal classic | The Best Vegan Pureed Soup for Fall | Best Autumn Soup Recipes | Dairy Free Pureed Soups | Cozy Fall Soup Recipes | #glutenfree #dairyfree #vegan | Pureed Soup in a Vitamix | Roasted Carrot Soup For Fall | Fall Soup with Apples | How to Use Sumac | The Best Sumac Recipes | Sumac Health Benefits | Calgary Food Blogger, Food Stylist and Food Photographer //


Yield: Approximately 12 cups

Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup | A fruity, exotic twist on an autumnal classic | The Best Vegan Pureed Soup for Fall | Best Autumn Soup Recipes | Dairy Free Pureed Soups | Cozy Fall Soup Recipes | #glutenfree #dairyfree #vegan | Pureed Soup in a Vitamix | Roasted Carrot Soup For Fall | Fall Soup with Apples | How to Use Sumac | The Best Sumac Recipes | Sumac Health Benefits | Calgary Food Blogger, Food Stylist and Food Photographer //


• 4 apples
• 1 yellow onion
• 10 carrots
• 4 cloves of garlic
• 2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
• 2 tbsp dried sumac
• 1 tsp freshly ground pepper
• 1 tsp Himalayan Pink Salt
• 6 cups vegetable stock
• 2 cups unsweetened cashew milk
• 2 tbsp fresh ginger
• Juice from 1/2 lemon


• Pepitas
• Apple slices
• Sumac

Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup | A fruity, exotic twist on an autumnal classic | The Best Vegan Pureed Soup for Fall | Best Autumn Soup Recipes | Dairy Free Pureed Soups | Cozy Fall Soup Recipes | #glutenfree #dairyfree #vegan | Pureed Soup in a Vitamix | Roasted Carrot Soup For Fall | Fall Soup with Apples | How to Use Sumac | The Best Sumac Recipes | Sumac Health Benefits | Calgary Food Blogger, Food Stylist and Food Photographer //


1. Preheat your oven to 375°F.

2. In the meantime, chop apples, onion and carrots into 1″ cubes, adding them into a big bowl as you go. Peel the garlic and add it to the mixture whole. Once you’re finished chopping, divide the mixture onto 1 large roasting pan.

Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup | A fruity, exotic twist on an autumnal classic | The Best Vegan Pureed Soup for Fall | Best Autumn Soup Recipes | Dairy Free Pureed Soups | Cozy Fall Soup Recipes | #glutenfree #dairyfree #vegan | Pureed Soup in a Vitamix | Roasted Carrot Soup For Fall | Fall Soup with Apples | How to Use Sumac | The Best Sumac Recipes | Sumac Health Benefits | Calgary Food Blogger, Food Stylist and Food Photographer //

3. Season liberally with olive oil, sumac, salt and pepper. Stir the vegetables around in the pan to ensure each piece is well coated with oil and seasonings. Roast at 375 °F for 30 minutes, turning and rotating at the 15 minute mark.

4. Remove the roasting pan from the oven and allow to cool for about 10 minutes.

Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup | A fruity, exotic twist on an autumnal classic | The Best Vegan Pureed Soup for Fall | Best Autumn Soup Recipes | Dairy Free Pureed Soups | Cozy Fall Soup Recipes | #glutenfree #dairyfree #vegan | Pureed Soup in a Vitamix | Roasted Carrot Soup For Fall | Fall Soup with Apples | How to Use Sumac | The Best Sumac Recipes | Sumac Health Benefits | Calgary Food Blogger, Food Stylist and Food Photographer //

5. Add the contents of the roasting pan to your Vitamix (or similar). Add vegetable broth, cashew milk and fresh ginger — note that if you have a large container for your Vitamix, the entire mixture will just fit, but if you have smaller containers, you’ll need to divide and blend in batches. Blend Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup on high for a few minutes until completely smooth.

6. Add the blended mixture to a large soup pot and turn on low heat, warming through.

Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup | A fruity, exotic twist on an autumnal classic | The Best Vegan Pureed Soup for Fall | Best Autumn Soup Recipes | Dairy Free Pureed Soups | Cozy Fall Soup Recipes | #glutenfree #dairyfree #vegan | Pureed Soup in a Vitamix | Roasted Carrot Soup For Fall | Fall Soup with Apples | How to Use Sumac | The Best Sumac Recipes | Sumac Health Benefits | Calgary Food Blogger, Food Stylist and Food Photographer //

7. Remove the Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup from heat and stir in the lemon juice. Taste and adjust seasonings as necessary — you may want to add additional salt and pepper at this time.

8. Garnish each bowl with apple slices, pepitas and a sprinkle of dried sumac (and / or berries).

9. Serve Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup immediately and enjoy!

Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup | A fruity, exotic twist on an autumnal classic | The Best Vegan Pureed Soup for Fall | Best Autumn Soup Recipes | Dairy Free Pureed Soups | Cozy Fall Soup Recipes | #glutenfree #dairyfree #vegan | Pureed Soup in a Vitamix | Roasted Carrot Soup For Fall | Fall Soup with Apples | How to Use Sumac | The Best Sumac Recipes | Sumac Health Benefits | Calgary Food Blogger, Food Stylist and Food Photographer //

5 from 10 votes
Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup | A fruity, exotic twist on an autumnal classic | The Best Vegan Pureed Soup for Fall | Best Autumn Soup Recipes | Dairy Free Pureed Soups | Cozy Fall Soup Recipes | #glutenfree #dairyfree #vegan | Pureed Soup in a Vitamix | Roasted Carrot Soup For Fall | Fall Soup with Apples | How to Use Sumac | The Best Sumac Recipes | Sumac Health Benefits | Calgary Food Blogger, Food Stylist and Food Photographer //
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
30 mins
After Oven Time
15 mins
Total Time
1 hr
My Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup is a fruity, exotic twist on an autumnal classic — where seasonal produce staples of carrots, apples, onion and garlic are generously seasoned with sumac and simple spices, roasted to perfection and pureed with creamy cashew milk, vegetable stock, fresh ginger and zingy lemon. This ultra simple, ultra nourishing, family-friendly fall soup is vegan, gluten and refined sugar free and comes together in just one hour with twelve ingredients, including seasonings!
Course: Side Dish
Servings: 12 cups
Author: Justine
  • 4 apples
  • 1 yellow onion
  • 10 carrots
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 2 tbsp dried sumac
  • 1 tsp freshly ground pepper
  • 1 tsp Himalayan Pink Salt
  • 6 cups vegetable stock
  • 2 cups unsweetened cashew milk
  • 2 tbsp fresh ginger
  • Juice from 1/2 lemon
  • Pepitas
  • Apple slices
  • Sumac
  1. Preheat your oven to 375°F.
  2. In the meantime, chop apples, onion and carrots into 1″ cubes, adding them into a big bowl as you go. Peel the garlic and add it to the mixture whole. Once you’re finished chopping, divide the mixture onto 1 large roasting pan.
  3. Season liberally with olive oil, sumac, salt and pepper. Stir the vegetables around in the pan to ensure each piece is well coated with oil and seasonings. Roast at 375 °F for 30 minutes, turning and rotating at the 15 minute mark.
  4. Remove the roasting pan from the oven and allow to cool for about 10 minutes.
  5. Add the contents of the roasting pan to your Vitamix (or similar). Add vegetable broth, cashew milk and fresh ginger -- note that if you have a large container for your Vitamix, the entire mixture will just fit, but if you have smaller containers, you'll need to divide and blend in batches. Blend Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup on high for a few minutes until completely smooth.
  6. Add the blended mixture to a large soup pot and turn on low heat, warming through.
  7. Remove the Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup from heat and stir in the lemon juice. Taste and adjust seasonings as necessary -- you may want to add additional salt and pepper at this time.
  8. Garnish each bowl with apple slices, pepitas and a sprinkle of dried sumac (and / or berries).
  9. Serve Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup immediately and enjoy!


Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup | A fruity, exotic twist on an autumnal classic | The Best Vegan Pureed Soup for Fall | Best Autumn Soup Recipes | Dairy Free Pureed Soups | Cozy Fall Soup Recipes | #glutenfree #dairyfree #vegan | Pureed Soup in a Vitamix | Roasted Carrot Soup For Fall | Fall Soup with Apples | How to Use Sumac | The Best Sumac Recipes | Sumac Health Benefits | Calgary Food Blogger, Food Stylist and Food Photographer //

Slow Cooker Vegan Mulligatawny Soup with Red Lentils

Vegan Slow Cooker Tortilla Soup with Winter Squash

Rainbow Carrot and Yellow Pepper Soup

Indian Summer Vegan Chili

Autumn Harvest Soup with Roasted Squash Seeds

Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup | A fruity, exotic twist on an autumnal classic | The Best Vegan Pureed Soup for Fall | Best Autumn Soup Recipes | Dairy Free Pureed Soups | Cozy Fall Soup Recipes | #glutenfree #dairyfree #vegan | Pureed Soup in a Vitamix | Roasted Carrot Soup For Fall | Fall Soup with Apples | How to Use Sumac | The Best Sumac Recipes | Sumac Health Benefits | Calgary Food Blogger, Food Stylist and Food Photographer //

Thanks for stopping by for this cozy autumn soup recipe to celebrate apple season, friends! If you’re looking for more apple recipes, be sure to check out my Apple Pie Steel Cut Oats with Candied Maple Pecans (a reader favourite and also one of my personal favourites — in fact, I had a bowl this morning!), my Late Harvest Spiced Apple Sangria (dangerously tasty and perfect for Thanksgiving!) or my Apple Carrot Lemon Ginger Juice (my all-time-favourite fresh juice recipe!).

If you try my Sumac Roasted Carrot Apple Soup, I’d love to hear from you! Leave me a comment, or tag me on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. I’d love you to hashtag #justinecelinarecipes in your recreations so I can find them — browsing my feed and stumbling on your beautiful recreations is my favourite thing! I also have a Pinterest board for my recipes if you’re looking for more plant based culinary inspiration. Enjoy the rest of this beautiful fall weekend, friends!

Disclaimer: I’m a PC Insider and have worked with PC previously, therefore received the sumac used in this recipe as part of my surprise box. This post is not sponsored and contains my genuine thoughts, ideas and recommendations. JustineCelina uses affiliate and referral links, which allow me to receive a small commission when you make a purchase through one of my links. Thank you for supporting the brands and businesses that support!

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  • Reply Marieke October 8, 2019 at 2:21 pm

    5 stars
    I love the combo of flavours in this soup!

    • Reply Justine October 8, 2019 at 2:53 pm

      Thank you so much, Marieke! And welcome — it’s always nice to see a new face around here. I’m off to check out your blog!

  • Reply Bernice M Hill October 8, 2019 at 9:25 pm

    5 stars
    This soup sounds so delicious and the perfect soup for autumn. I love cooking with sumac and find its flavour really intriguing.

    • Reply Justine October 9, 2019 at 8:33 am

      Thank you, Bernice! I totally agree — sumac is such an interesting and complex spice. I can’t wait to work with it more!

  • Reply Colleen October 9, 2019 at 8:20 am

    5 stars
    What a fabulous fall soup, Justine! I bought some sumac at a farmers market, and now I know just what to do with it. Pinning.

    • Reply Justine October 9, 2019 at 8:34 am

      Thank you, Colleen! I hope you enjoy the recipe — let me know how it goes.

  • Reply Kristen October 9, 2019 at 9:03 am

    5 stars
    I love the flavours you put together, sumac is one of my favorite spices. I will definitely be making this soup through the cold winter months. Thanks for sharing.

    • Reply Justine October 9, 2019 at 9:19 am

      Thank you so much, Kristen! I hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Stay cozy!

  • Reply Jessica October 9, 2019 at 10:13 am

    5 stars
    Loving all of the flavours in this soup! I haven’t used Sumac in my cooking that much so this recipe has me really intrigued. Beautiful recipe!

    • Reply Justine October 9, 2019 at 10:20 am

      Thank you, Jess! It’s such a gorgeous spice and one I’m so excited to continue to explore.

  • Reply Shareba October 9, 2019 at 7:52 pm

    5 stars
    This looks so good! Perfect for a chilly fall day 🙂

  • Reply Yvonne Langen October 11, 2019 at 8:45 am

    5 stars
    This is such a perfect fall soup. I absolutely love sumac and am delighted that I can serve this to my vegan friends.

    • Reply Justine October 11, 2019 at 8:52 am

      Thank you so much, Yvonne! I hope you enjoy the recipe as much as we do.

  • Reply Katherine | Love In My Oven October 11, 2019 at 1:53 pm

    5 stars
    What a healthy, yummy soup! So many fresh ingredients. I would love a big serving of this on a chilly fall day! Apple and carrot!? Great combo!!

    • Reply Justine October 11, 2019 at 3:11 pm

      Thanks for the recipe love, Katherine! Happy Thanksgiving!

  • Reply Leanne October 12, 2019 at 7:41 am

    5 stars
    I’m all about the pureed soups in fall too! There’s just something so cozy about them and the flavour possibilities seem to be endless! I’m loving this combo Justine! It’s so creative!

    • Reply Justine October 12, 2019 at 3:39 pm

      I completely agree — endless possibilities! I’m looking forward to your golden beet pureed soup, Leanne — I spotted it on Stories this week and it looks absolutely delicious! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

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  • Reply Jenn March 6, 2022 at 8:39 pm

    5 stars
    I know it’s not fall but I love sumac and soup… this was such an easy recipe to make. I used coconut milk since I have an allergy to cashews. It’s amazing to find a soup recipe that I can eat on diabetic diet, this didn’t spike my sugars. I added some turmeric and cinnamon the last time I made it. Delicious!

    • Reply Justine March 7, 2022 at 9:27 am

      Thank you so much for leaving a review (and joining me on Instagram!), Jenn! I’m so happy you found me and that you’re enjoying my recipes. Thanks also for sharing your modifications — those sound delicious!

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