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best vitamix green smoothies

Tropical Zinger Green Smoothie | #dairyfree #glutenfree #refinedsugarfree //
Breakfast, Dairy Free, Fitness, Food, Gluten Free, Paleo, Smoothies & Juices, Vegan, Winter


Wow, according to my FOOD section I’d really like to be someplace hot right now! It’s the dead of winter here in Calgary — and this time I have my sights set on the tropics, with my Tropical Zinger Green Smoothie! Although there are tons of green smoothie recipes floating around the internet in January, you guys voted for this recipe back in December via Insta Stories when I rediscovered it one day post workout. It’s about 3 and a half years old — in fact, if I scroll way back in my Instagram feed, I can still find the original post. This is long before I started blogging and would simply share my smoothie recipes on my feed with friends and family. Last month we had a pineapple ripening on the counter and a big bag of spinach to use up — I was sweaty, hungry and thirsty after my at-home HIIT workout (oh, the glamour!) and I remembered this recipe. I actually whipped out my phone and searched for it here on the blog — but to my surprise, I’d never published it! We always have the rest of the ingredients stocked at this time of year, so I decided to revive this old favourite and have enjoyed it countless times since. Yes, this is another green smoothie recipe — but I guarantee it’s one of the best green smoothies you’ll ever taste!

My Tropical Zinger Green Smoothie combines all the island flavours I’ve been craving lately — creamy banana, sweet pineapple, zingy satsuma, hearty pear, bright lime, healing ginger and hydrating coconut water — plus a mega dose of nutritious spinach and omega rich chia seeds (I promise you can’t taste the spinach at all!). This tropical elixir is packed full of vitamins, potassium, iron and protein — I often make it for lunch or breakfast to help with post workout recovery and give me an energy boost to power through the rest of my day. It’s also a great way to persuade your littles to eat their fruits and vegetables! Whip up a Tropical Zinger Green Smoothie anytime you’re craving a taste of the tropics — it’s refreshing, revitalizing and reminiscent of a super charged pinã colada (no white sandy beach required!).

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