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skincare blogger

5 Powerhouse Skincare Ingredients //
Beauty, Skincare


Are looking for supercharged ingredients take your skincare routine to the next level? Well my friends, this post is for you! If you’re new to the world of chemical exfoliants, vitamin C, niacinamide, retinol and daily SPF you’re in for some serious education — today I’m sharing 5 Powerhouse Skincare Ingredients that make the biggest difference in the overall appearance and clarity of my skin.

Many of you may not know this, but I had horrible skin in my early and mid 20’s (read more about my skin story). What’s even worse is how awful it made me feel. Those of you who’ve experienced (or are experiencing) skin issues know that there’s nothing worse than not feeling comfortable in your own skin. So, a few years ago I set out a quest to educate myself about skincare and finally found a routine that gives me happy, healthy skin. It still feels so strange when I’m complimented on my skin, or when people think I’m much younger than I actually am. Today I’m sharing everything I know about skincare ingredients that deliver fast, supercharged results! I hope it aids you in taking the absolute best care of your skin and feeling more confident, empowered and beautiful.

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